Studio Sounding Board Questions

The following questions can help you get comfortable talking about your work, identify what’s important to you, discover questions you hope to address in critique, or brainstorm for an artist statement. Choose a few that stand out or work your way through them all—in writing or aloud. 

  • What does your project/piece look like? Describe its key formal features. 

  • What materials are you using and what qualities do they possess?

  • What process or technique did you use to make it?

  • What was your inspiration for this project/piece?

  • What is its context (historical, political, environmental, art-historical, etc.)?

  • What concept(s) or subject(s) are you exploring?

  • How have you transformed your concept(s) or subject(s)?

  • What meaning/significance does your project suggest? 

  • How does the viewer/user experience it?