Videos for Language Learners

Lydia Machova’s “The Secret to Learning a Foreign Language” shares four principles about language learning. Machova provides examples of how other language learners found unique techniques to make the learning process more fun.


Oregon State University’s “Writing Across Borders” documents the academic hurdles international students face in the American classroom. The video highlights how our cultural differences shape the way we write and opens up a broader dialogue on how instructors can provide more constructive feedback when considering the writer’s cultural influence.

Amy Cuddy’s “Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are” shares that communication is not limited to the verbal but also includes the nonverbal. Cuddy discusses how posture is perceived socially and how it is correlated to confidence and power.


Lera Boroditsky’s “How Language Shapes the Way We Think” highlights how our perception is shaped through our language. Boroditsky provides examples of when language and culture influence our perception of location, time, events, and colors.

Sid Efromovich’s “5 Techniques to Speak Any Language” discusses the process of language acquisition. Efromovich shares his five techniques to make language learning easier. His methods explore the concepts of sound structures, language practice, and finding the right language partner for you.


John McWhorter’s “4 Reasons to Learn a New Language” highlights the importance of language in culture. This lecture draws on the cultural and linguistic importance of language diversity. John McWhorter also includes neurological and cognitive benefits when acquiring an additional language.


Mia Nacamulli’s “The Benefits of a Bilingual Brain” describes the advantages of becoming bilingual. Nacamulli discusses the three types of bilinguals—compound, coordinate, and subordinate bilinguals—and how these groups process language differently. This video highlights the neurological benefits of learning an additional language.